So to celebrate his 30th I thought I would devote this post to 30 facts about him.... (I will keep them short)
1. he married his high school girlfriend :)
2. he will be celebrating his 8th anniversary on tuesday
3. he is hotter at 30 then 20 :)
4. is color blind
5. he use to be a pitcher and dreamed of playing in the majors :) but got hurt.
6. only ONLY drinks water
7. he is a terrific husband
8. he eats spinange with almost every meal :) and doesnt complain... I think he likes it.
9. he is quiet but not shy!
10. favorite all time baseball player - roger clemens (may be not anymore...) :)
11. is a HUGE dreamer!!!
12. has very manly feet
13. failed high school spanish
14. in college he was told all the time that he looked like john f kennedy jr.... until he died
15. has a HUGE heart for local missions
16. can quote (without the movie being on) back to the future
17. elbows his wife, in the face, at night, about three times a week
18. has a bad habit of picking his ear... the skin inside his ear, not ear wax
19... well, he does have a LOT of ear wax
20. is an internet user (inside joke)
21. a snapping specialist
22. professional hacky sack player
23. use to model :)
24. use to act
25. doesnt like to get his head wet when swimming
26. favorite TV show - LOST then HEROES
27. can fall asleep anywhere... like at the bowling alley!
28. is the most trust worthy guy I know!
29. he is an AWESOME father
30. is my best friend... I love him!!!! and his family adores him!
Very interesting facts! Happy Birthday, Jim!
Aw! That's cute! Happy 3-0! <3M
Happy B-day Jimbo!
Man, you are old Jimmy! :) Happy Birthday!
Jimmy is the BEST! You picked daughter!
Awwww Stef. That was way cute. I always knew you two would end up together for always. He sure loved you. . . well still does I'm sure! LOL
Congrats on hitting 30 Jimmy. I dread the day. When did we all start becoming ADULTS?
Reading the 30 facts about my son was like walking down memory lane!! Thank you for that, Stef.
I was surprised at the eating spinach fact. You've definitly been good for him! :)
I know you left this point out to protect the innocent, but I'll add it for 1 to grow on: Jimmy used to watch All My Children with his mom everyday. (Well, most days.)
Love you
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