He is doing great at keeping his glasses on too! Most of the time they are low on his nose and he looks over the top of them... but, hey, at least he is keeping them on!
Tube update :(...
(sad face that there has to be tubes in the picture)
We went in on Thursday (the same day we got the glasses). Good news... there isn't any hearing damage... YEA
Bad news...
He HAD an infection. I didn't even know. The Dr. said, "He has runny nose..." So what, I have to take him to the Dr. EVERY TIME he has a runny nose? Don't get me wrong... I like the Doctor. So the Doctor needs to see him in three weeks to see if we are going to do tubes!
I'm in your special club too, but only at night after I take my contacts out.
If Hunter gets his tubes he can be in another special club with Ethan and Seth. I only hope Chase doesn't have to join. At least with the tubes there will be no more infections!
I totally missed an ear infection after Aubrey was verbal enough to tell me where it hurt. She didn't! I took her in after 3 days of a very high temp and they had it diagnosed in five minutes. It makes you feel like a terrible parent, but I'm not and either are you! I'll be praying for no tubes!!!
Gage is notorious for ear infections. One time, it was really bad, but he never complained of anything hurting. Instead he just got up every night. Finally, I took him to the doctor, and he said he had a double ear infection! Yikes!
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