Haley was VERY upset when we took down our Christmas tree.... She stood in front of it like this and yelled NO. It doesn't help that the tree was dieing so we had to take it down sooner then later. In a compromise, I put the Christmas tree lights up around the inside of our living room. She loves them!

Hunter and his Thomas the Train friend. As soon as Hunter found out that Deron knew the different trains from back when he was young, Hunter now has a train buddy!!! It is really cute :).

My Uncle Steve's birthday is New Years Eve. Above is a picture of him with his older brother (my dad, Ken) and his mom (my grandma). This is before she went into the hospital with congestive heart failure.


Huntman had to go to the Urgent Care. He has two really bad ear infections.... AGAIN. :( This time they talked about tubes. At the urgent care, he had to bring Bill and Ben (Thomas trains of course) and had them sit on the table with him while he waited for the doctor... cute huh? Seriously, this is my son, day in and day out... THOMAS! They watch him eat all his meals... in fact, as I am typing this, he is replaying an episode of one of his Thomas movies on his train table. He doesn't watch the show much... I really try to limit that... but he does memorize them and replay them on his train table.
Hey Stef, if Hunter's ear infections are keeping him up at night or causing lots of pain, Kev and I really recommend the tubes. It seems drastic, but the surgery is short and works!
It's cute how Hunter is trying to show you his train in your "Cousins!" picture. LOL! He must love those things! <3M
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