The Meme Rules:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Random fact two: I HAVE to read a book before I go to sleep. It could be 2am and I have to get up at 7am I will still read before I turn the light out. Jim loves this fact of mine :)...
Random fact three: I like feet. Yes, some of you who have known me a while know this.
Random fact four: I can memorize phone numbers REALLY EASY (like after dialing once or twice).. I can remember birth dates too.... but remember someones name I have met three or four times... forget it!

Random fact five: In the 7th grade I was VERY CLOSE to being suspended for drug use and drinking on campus. To make this a short fact, there were two girls at the school in my grade, with the same EXACT first and last name... she did these things and I got sent to the principals office. I was told I couldn't talk (apparently I had a habit of talking back to teachers - again, not really me.. the other girl) so I had to sit there and listen to the principal tell me how bad I was and all the things I did and what he planned to do with me. Finally, he asked, "What do you have to say for yourself..." expecting an apology, I simply said, "My middle name is Joy... not Ann." Very shortly after, I got Vineyard student of the month... coincidence???

Random fact six: I had tongue surgery when I was in the 6th grade. My advice... if your child is born tongue tied, get their tongue clipped at birth rather then wait till 6th grade. It is a much bigger surgery the older you are! A swollen tongue is FUN at the age of 11.
Random fact seven: Mindi Gee (now Houghton) taught me how to ride a 2 wheel bike.
Random fact eight: Flying bugs scare the poo out of me!!! I will scream like a little girl if ever taken off guard by a bug. Sadly, it is true... I have tried working on it... but when they surprise me out of the blue I can't help it!
The 8 people I tagged...
1. Erin ... Would the freak at the gas station be on your list???? GO AROUND ME .. HA! I just remembered that, I should have wrote it... dang it :)
2. Jimmy (Which yes would appear on this blog).. tell them how you scratch your ear...
3. Leah... you always are so open with things going on
4. Leah and Dan ... I would love to hear some new dirt on you guys :)
5. Kelly... I would be interested if your first date with Sam would be on your list.
6. Megan ... Just trying to get you bloggin again!
7. Mom... Same as Megan...
8. Anyone else... this was fun so join in!
OMG those are too hilarious, Stef. Now I did know that you like feet (weird) and that you are a numbers whiz. The rest are all news to me and I was cracking up reading them.
I have got to think of my 8 facts.
I was really hoping you'd add the story of when you flashed everyone at the basketball game :)
That's my favorite Stef story.
I'm in total agreement with number 8. I was out on a walk today with my girls and kept dodging huge bumblebees. I was wondering when I developed this phobia. I think it was when I had my first kid! Weird.
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