We had our ultra sound today. Coming up to it, I got more and more wanting a surprise. Jim didn't want a surprise... so I decided I would find out but secretly wanted the legs to be closed. We get into the ultrasound room and sure enough, the legs were closed! I laughed. i seriously thought it was the funniest thing! At the very end, the legs opened up and we could see clearly (you really didn't need to be a tech to know) that we are having another boy :). After finding out, I am really happy we did! I thought we were having a girl so I am glad to be in the mind set for a boy. Now all we need is a name :). Haley had a dream a few weeks back and came running in to wake me to tell me about it (I was really happy about that). She said, "Mom, I had a dream you had a baby boy and I was ok with it!" So when I went to tell her we were having a boy, I referred to her dream. She said, "Mom, we are going to have three boys and you and me are the ONLY two girls!" She is super excited!

Over all... I am very happy Jim was so persistent in knowing what we are having. He is so excited to have another boy! We will keep you posted as to when we come up with a name. :)
Oh, yeah... In case you you were wondering about the title. According to the Chinese calendar, it said we were going to have a girl.
How exciting! Our boys will be so close in age. Maybe they'll play gin together on Friday nights in high school. :) I'll keep thinking of boy "H" names for you. Here's a few more from that great book I have... Hatsu, Horace, Hy. Then people can say, "Hi, Hy!" Seriously though, I really like Henry and Harrison. (I know, kind of weird, Geric didn't like them either.)
That's so exciting! Stef you are a great mom! Boys are fun! Congrats!
Congrats!!! The corbett's vote to name him Houston or Doug says Henry!!(Thats Dougs middle name :))
I can't wait for that precious bundle of joy. We are such a blessed family. Haley is going to be the best big sister to her little brothers. And Hunter will be a wonderful big brother. Can you just see baby Hug trying to keep up with his big brother?
Gramma :)
Chinese was wrong for me too!! Tell Haley it could be worse...Alyssa IS the only girl in her family!! Not really, boys are a BLESSING and WONDERFUL and WILD and CRAZY and BOUNCING OFF THE WALLS WITH TESTOSTERONE!! They do love their mamas though :) Congrats!! I'm excited for you guys!
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys. 2 boys are so fun! I'll be thinking of H names for you! :-D
Boys for everyone!
Welcome to the "Expecting a Boy" Gang, we'll all jump you in next time we see you.
Chinese,shminese....they know chow mein , egg rolls, fried rice...but only GOD knows what's best for a perfect family dynamic! So there! ;)
I can't wait to hold our cute little boy...whatever his name ends up being!
The Chinese may not have been wrong because I have seen several versions of that calendar and I am not sure which one is accurate. Either way, we are really thrilled for you guys. It is exactly the same dynamic as Dan's family. He is the youngest boy with an older brother and an oldest sister.
You and Haley may be outnumbered but I think you will still manage to keep the boys in line.
Hope to see you guys soon,
Leah and Dan
Congratulations! :) Gotta love our baby boys! :) God knew just what he was doing when he planned out your family. You and Jimmy are so blessed. As for an H name... I think Hyatt is a good one.
Is it fun to get news that is exciting no matter what it is! I vote for Henry, I know it's old fashioned but I think it's cute.
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