For the past 6 years we have gone to San Diego to camp with other families from our church. Jim and I went in 2002 (the first year) and was pregnant with Haley. this year I am pregnant with our third. We have yet to miss one.

Scott and Dad outside the big cabin area after our pancake breakfast, Saturday morning.

Jim does smores with the kids! Gotta love the sticky fingers!!!

This is a dark picture but it is friends and family sitting by the camp fire Saturday night. Who you can barely see in the back is Scott and Jenny, and my mom standing.

Scott and Jenny came and stayed in a camping cabin!

Hunter fell asleep in Jenny's lap eating a hamburger... he actually fell asleep IN his hamburger but I really didn't take that picture!

Saturday day... Megan, Jim and Haley sat in our trailer and play go fish. Megan and Haley enjoyed some of my mom's salsa.

Haley was a killer tee-ball hitter :).... Sorry Jake... She kinda hit the softball right into his side :(

Is that Jimmy drinking a Starbucks? How can that be??? He got a Double Chocolate Chip blended drink... no coffee. It was like a milkshake.

Four pregnant friends... in order of due date. Jane is 39 weeks, she only came down for the day! Kelly is due late October, early November! Jenn and I you already know (if you read my b-day entry).

Jane and I brought swimming pools from home so that the kids could swim and have water fun outside our trailer and us mom's didn't have to get in our swim suits and attempt to swim in the campground pool. Plus, Jane brought hers last year and the kids had a blast.

I know I am everywhere with this blog (not in order). At the camp fire on Saturday night, hunter wanted Jane! He wanted to sit and hang with her... it was really cute!
Can't wait for next year... would love for more to join us next year! Jim and I want more of you to have trailers so we can do this more!