Look at the empty plate. Hunter was told he could not have a sweet treat without finishing his lunch. I take the laundry to my bedroom and come back to this empty plate. It appears empty. As if he had finished his food.
"Hunter all done." Hunter says proudly. I look under his plate to see all of his lunch.
He simply thought that if it was not on the plate, it was all gone, therefore he is all done.

Hunter...you are too much! I just adore that boy! He gets cuter and cuter as he grows. What will he think of next???
How creative can you get? It sounds like Hunter gets his sweet tooth from his daddy. :)
You guys need a dog. When my mom used to try to make us eat liver, my brother and I would just feed it to the dog. It only worked one time, because when the dog started passing gas later, my mom figured out real quick what we had done. I'm sure it would have worked with quesadillas, though.
Go Hunter, go.
Oh so funny. Kids are so funny!
You gotta love the toddler logic. I love it when you look at a little face and you can see the wheels turning concocting the next brilliant plan.
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