Oct 30, Haley's preschool class had a Halloween carnival and parade. Haley went as Pocahontas. I was able to go and help out in her class. She had a blast. Watching her in class amazes me at how calm and still she can sit and listen to her teacher and wait for instruction. I was so proud of my daughter!

Halloween night... We went trick or treating at only a few friends and families homes. We, then, headed up to CBC to their carnival for the kids to enjoy. Hunter threw a fit when we wouldn't just let him eat all of his candy!

Our car ride to the homes we visited and to the church was interesting. Hunter went as a doggy and acted like one in the car. Haley went on to give us a lecture on Halloween safety that she had learned by the safety batroll :) Her facts were these:
1. Do not go up to a dark house. They are sleeping and we cannot wake them. It isn't safe.
2. If you are sleeping you cannot trick or treat.
3. If you cannot find your parents, find any other adult around because they will help you. (I had to correct this fact).
4. Do not cross the street because cars do not see you and make want to hurt you.
5. If you sleep and it is dark out then you cannot eat your candy!
6. Do not eat your candy without your mom or dad to look at it... it may be bad stuff!
Overall her facts weren't all that wrong... just needed clarification! :) I am glad she is paying attention!

Before we went to CBC, we had a family dinner at my parents house and met up with the Taylor's. They came by to trick or treat and then we all headed out for a night of fun! This is a picture of our cute kids.
Hunter - Dog
Grant - Robin
Haley - Pocahontas
Logan - Batman
A side picture...

My parents got back from a week in Georgia and TN on Monday. Pam McElrea (family to me somehow) sent these wax lips to Haley. She thought they were the greatest thing... Thanks Pam for thinking of Haley... we love you:)