Club 33 was AWESOME. I didn't know what half of what was on the menu and got to show my lameness by asking :)... turned out, everyone at the table didn't know either. The bathroom was the coolest bathroom I had been in. The toilet was a chair... very elegant... and you know me, miss classy! :) Jim took home a handful of napkins in hope to sell them on eBay. Good luck Jim! :)
WE went to the Tower of Terror, and let me tell you, I was scared a bit :). When I get nervous I tend to talk a lot and fast and a little girl in line (had to have been 3rd or fourth grade) turned to me and said, "You don't have to be scared!" I hadn't verbalized my feelings and this girl picked up on my nervousness... She sat in front of me on the ride and kept tell me what was going to happen next.... and I was thankful. At the end, I loved the ride!
Special thanks...
Thank you CEO of FATCO for allowing us to go :)
Thank you mom and dad for watching the kids :)
Thank you Jim for inviting me :)
Hey Stef!! Isn't Club 33 fancy?? We got to go there a few years ago with Doug's parents. Minnie had a crush on Doug. P.S. I think Minnie was a boy :)
Sounds like you had a fun time - you used 7 smiley faces just to describe it!
I have still have not been to California Adventure. I'm lame.
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