As most of you know, I am a huge logic game gal. A few of my fellow blog friends have had blog entries to describe their links and I thought, I love my links so much, I want you all to love them like me, but I don't think that will happen :). I at least want to make you all aware of what they are. :)
In case you are clueless like I was, my links are on the righthand side of this blog, under the word "Link" :)
Most of my links are games... but let me tell you about each :)
The Flipside ...
This is Jim and I's home church, located in Rancho Cucamonga on Jersey inbetween Milliken and Haven. We have attended this church for as long as it has been a church and even a bit before, when it was just a college group. Pastor Kevin is a good friend and a great leader. Check out the website... When you click on it, you SHOULD see Haley on an advertisement for a Christmas musical coming up. I say SHOULD because on my home computer, I don't... but most people do :)
Playhouse Disney and Noggin and links to kid games, mostly designed for Haley's age. She LOVES these two links and could spend hours playing games and learning. I highly recommend these two links for kids. It really amazes me how Haley can get on the computer and knows what to do. WOW... when I was her age, Atari and the apple computer (Oregon Trail) was big :)...
Suduko ...
A numbers game :) This site tells you how to play and gives you free only games. It shows you clues, has different levels, and tells you if you made a mistake.
The River Game...
I have to tell you the rules because when you go to the site, it tells you think (I think) but in some different language I don't speak :)...
1. Get everyone across
2. Mom cannot be left alone with her sons
3. Dad cannot be left alone with his daughters
4. The thief must be with the police man or by himself (hint hint)
5. An adult can only work the raft.
If I am missing any rules I will up date this par tof my blog :)
The States Test...
You have a time limit to get all the states matched.... (Only 48)... When I started, I couldn't do it. I made myself practice over again because I was tired of feeling dumb about not knowing where all the states were (I was like Joey on Friends if that means anything to you) ... after practicing, I can get all 48 in ABC order with in the BLUE range in the timing thing :). I am so proud. Even more proud that when I watch FOX news I know where the state is that they are talking about.... YEA me!
Siana Photos...
My friend Megan is a photographer and is excellent. Check out her website for more details. We have used her and love our pictures!! Many friends of mine have gone with her and love her work!
I think that is all.... Enjoy!