I finally conquered adding new pictures to my blog. :)
These pictures are from when we went camping back at the end of April. Haley is as sweet as can be... people ask me if I curl her hair... as if a 3 year old will sit quietly and patiently for mom to curl strand after strand. Those curls are all natural! :) She gets them from Jim...
This is so cute! I love the pictures!
Love, mom
Hi mrs. vandegrift!!
I love your new blog!
have a great summer!!!
Your kids are so cute :)
Great pics other than the Red Sox hat. GO A'S. When you figure out how to upload slideshows let us know.
Hey... I just added you guys to my Peaople category... I hope this is ok... it takes them to your page... I will take you off if you want!
WOW! Stef, I'm impressed!!! I knew you'd find something to do as a stay at home mom. :) Among all the other things you do, you've added this. What a gal!!
hey mrs. V!!!
so cute!!
she iss so sweet!!!
i can't beleive that u won't be a teacher anymore!!!!
i wanted u to be my 8th grade teacher!!!
:(...well...how has ur summer been???
i think you should get an aim!!!
ii just got one...so far i have talked to brianna J., chanel, natalie, brooke, and alex!!!
i am soo excited to go see my dad!!!
i leave july 1st and get back the 29th!!!
:)....so...send me back!!!
do you haw i myspace???
if you do you can find me and talk to me there!!!
or through email...or if you get an aim...well KIT(keep in touch)!!!
What the heck is aim? Toothpaste? :)
thanks for bloggin' with me... and commenting.. it is so much fun to read comments :)
Awwww... thanks Emilio... You will love 8th grade! You will have to keep me posted on the year and let me know what is going on with everyone :). Congrats on Football... that's way exciting!!!
I dont know what HTML tags are... what are they?
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