Hunter turned five this past week! WOW... I cant believe it! He starts kinder in August!

For his birthday he wanted a party like his friend Isabel had in California, at the Saw Dust Factory. Well... that would be quite a birthday party to go all the way out there... so I brought the saw dust factory to our house.

He got to pick five friends (being that he is turning five) to come to our house to paint bird houses and eat some cup cakes.

Even Jonah got into the fun! :) Of course I had to help him finish it :)

Kimberly, Corbin and Grady serious at work.

Haley with her little buddy Carina.

Hunter had chocolate cupcakes... with five candles... he blew each candle out separately... it was cute

He really ate the frosting...

Below are the kids with their final bird houses.... Left to right - Grady, Jonah (hard to see), Haley, Hunter,
Rainn, Carina, Luke and Corbin

That was in the morning, in the evening we had family over for pulled pork. Yes I made it :) and I think it was YUMMY!!! It was actually a Boston Butt. YES that is the name of the meat. Pork butts are very big here. I felt funny asking the butcher where they were...

Hunter DID NOT eat the pork... he wanted chicken nuggets dipped in apple sauce :).

Aunt Jenny, Uncle
Scoby, Aunt Bonnie, Aunt Pam, Uncle Rodger, Dad, Hunter, Haley, me and Joe were all there! Eating in our pink dinning room :)

I kinda bought a HUGE BUTT :). We had enough food for everyone to have seconds and then for us to have meals for days after :)

Jonah and Aunt Pam. In the background you can see Hunter's count down. I made a marker type thing to show what day we were on out of a picture of Hunter. The count down worked awesome... He never ONCE asked me when his birthday was going to be....

I made a BIG cupcake tower and
drizzled chocolate frosting all over it... then decorated it with sponge bob figures and
Thomas toys that
Gramma and
Grandbud sent him.

Hunt got moon sand, a bike (thanks
nana and papa) and a whole box of goodies from my grandparents... overall he had a great birthday...
There was ONE sad moment for me that brought tears to my eyes... At the kid party Hunter opened a card he got from Nate from california. It was a Cars card... it was sweet... Hunter didnt smile ... he stared at the card forever... even after the kids left... it was the first thing he showed Jim when he got home from work. It was so sweet... Thanks Jane :) It made my day too :).