Trick or Treating at Gramma and Grandbud's house!

Hunter wanted to be a duck :) Haley wanted to wear this pretty dress and made up her own outfit and called herself Princess Lucy. :) Jonah wanted to be comfortable so he wore this very fancy Carter's sleeper :).

We went to LBF! There were a ton of activities for the kids. They got to play carnival games, visit a petting zoo :), and HOLD reptiles.

Haley is holding a snake!!!! Screams at flies but a snake she is cool with!

And yes, that is me holding a tarantula! Hunter and I are holding the biggest spider!!! (I am not a spider expert so there may be a bigger spider in the world but to me, this was HUGE!!!!) Holding this spider felt more like holding a hamster. It didn't feel like a spider!!! PLUS when I first saw it, it was in the mans hands that owned it so it felt more like someones pet. He was hairy and pet like!
We had fun!!!